The day misfortune had descended upon the holy land,
Skies turned crimson with stains of red spread around.
Even the heavens would have wept their eyes dry,
Witnessing the carnage and not even a soul to cry.
Enveloped in smoke and blanket of ash layered upon,
No signs of life and humanity thereupon.
Darkest of the nights surrounded by the devil
Laying over the pool of red
and my abode torched by the evil
It was catastrophe lead by those who were
never mine
Was breathing my last yet praying for the
intervention of the divine
Lighting struck from the skies amidst of
those human cries
Intervention of the divine
it must have been
Hovering in the sky saviours of peace
were about to be seen.
You relieved me of my pain
And shared the agony
Standing by my side you were then
and it recourse my destiny.
For me you were then you are now
I won't desist you ever that's my vow
Devil calls you the eliminator
Adversaries know you as fear
But I know if today there is peace
That day only were its Saviour.
Angels from heaven saviours of the peace
You are my Army
You are the Indian Army