Himanshu Joon
“SHE” is The REVERED Combatant… Veer Naari
Veer Nari is just not a word, it is a story of courage, sacrifice and selflessness of Indian
women whose spouse have donned the OG (Olive Green) uniform. Officially defined as “The widow/ mother of defence personnel who have laid down his life shielding the country is revered as Veer Nari’". In the right words, it would mean a woman of courage. Courage to send her loved one to fight for the nation, courage to live with her head high held even if her veer doesn’t return to her, courage to take the responsibility of the family left behind, courage to never give up on life.
Take a moment to understand the pain of a woman who married a soldier but lost him in the line of duty. Their courage and hardships seldom get mentioned and even if mentioned is short lived. Death of a soldier creates a void in the family and the family faces a psychological challenge. This void is indeed irreparable. No remuneration, no reward can fill it as it is next to impossible to substitute a son, a brother, a husband and a father in someone’s life.
Indian Army has traditionally remained connected to Veer Naris. Respect to our martyrs, who have given supreme sacrifice, has always been a part of Indian Army's ethos and culture. As a consequence of this ingrained value system, the welfare of Veer Naris remains an important KRA (Key Result Area) in the Indian Army. With passage of time and with past experiences, Armed Forces and Central and State Govts have improved upon various Welfare Schemes to ensure a sound financial package is in place to support the family of the Martyr, including the parents and the Veer Naris.
The Society too has a place of respect for the martyrs and their families but to what extent and till what time is questionable. Are they only remembered during Independence day or some big news of an encounter where soldiers are martyred? These are difficult questions to be answered in our society. The problems of a widow in our society, in order of priority are more connected with mental health. Over the passage of time, the programmes conducted for War Widows generate communication, whereas, there is a requirement to get connected with these families.
All said and done, the Veer Naris are rising to stand tall to stare life in its face, to take on life with full faith in herself, and to move with bah on regardless attitude towards life. The veer naris continue to fight like her veer.
The only difference is that the fight is not on the battlefield, she is untrained and unprepared for this fight, but she is more spirited and passing through these ordeals with a grace and a smile in her heart. Much needs to be done to make the life easier for these strong hearted souls who have sacrificed their ultimate honour for the nation.